As a kid, I was almost always the last to yell "Not it!" when someone from the neighborhood suggested playing tag. I like to think it was either because I was generous and loving and didn't want the other children to have to suffer the indignity of being "it," or that I was just eager to come out of my shell, and this was a safe, easy way to draw just a tiny bit of attention to myself. It was certainly not because I spent much of my childhood in a fog, bumping into light poles and tripping over my own feet, thus increasing my reaction-to-stimulus-time to life-threatening proportions.
Anyway, I now gladly take on the yoke of "it-ness" as thrust upon me by Chris of CSquaredPlus3, VodakMom of I Need A Martini Mom and Ellen at A Girl's Garden of Menopause. I think these are slightly different memes, as Chris tagged me with Ten Random Things, and Ellen and VodkaMom tagged me with Six Unspectacular Things. So, in the spirit of compromise, which is what I do best, I present
Eight Randomly Unspectacular Things About Me
1. Given the opportunity, I would turn into a hermit of J. D.-Salinger-like-dimensions. Not that I'd be his size. More like, his invisible-ness. Because, how many of you have any idea of what J.D. Salinger's size is? Or was? I don't even have any idea if the guy is still alive. None. The point is, I really like to stay home.
2. My first boyfriend was Timmy Blackwell. I was six years old and we were in first grade. I can remember specifically lying to my mother and saying, "I just call him that because he's a boy and he's my friend." Here's a lesson for you parents of toddlers: Children lie. A lot.
3. I have always harbored a secret wish to be one of Paul McCartney's background vocalists.
4. When I am having difficulty falling asleep, I count in my head. Some nights I make it to five hundred. Just one of those things about menopause for which I was not prepared.
5. When I look in the mirror, I am always stunned to see what I see. In my head I feel as though I am much younger, thinner, and more attractive. I kind of avoid mirrors.
6. The first time I watched It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, I started crying because all he got trick-or-treating was rocks. Plus, wouldn't that bag be awfully heavy after awhile?
7. Having a Mike's Hard Lemonade in the evening makes me feel like a lush. When did I become a Puritan? And why the hell are there buckles on my shoes?
8. I absolutely cannot stand the feel of a cotton ball. It's worse than the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard. I'm twitching here just thinking about it.
I am only going to officially tag one person, and that's Punk Rock Dad. I am having such a blast reading his blog and his comments on mine, and I'm curious about the random things a guy with a 7-inch Mohawk that eats eyeballs (the guy does, not the Mohawk) will have to share.
If anyone else wants to play along, please do!