When I went back to college in 1999, I discovered that the campus I attended published a student directory every year. They were free. Miniature telephone books that featured students names, addresses and phone numbers. We referred to it as the Stalker's Guide to UM-Dearborn.
I'm sure there have been sufficient clues in my blog, my comments on other blogs and on Twitter to make stalking me none-too-difficult. I recently had a post published on MidLifeBloggers.com, and I used my real name on it. At my age, I feel the need to claim credit (or blame) for my stuff, I guess.
Anyway, since I'm 'out' now, I thought I'd do a meme I have found amusing in the past. Go to Google. Type in your first name and the word 'needs' and have fun with the results. Since my first name is Mary, there were lots of results about how Mary needs your prayers. I'm sure Husband would agree with this, but it's not really me. Anyway, here are some of my faves:
Mary needs to back off and let the dancers shine. Because I'm always getting in the way with my damn narrative, and all my "Look at ME!"
Mary needs shadows. To complement the ones under my eyes? To contrast the glory of my aura? I think I need shadows to hide in. When there's not a convenient Men's Room.
Mary needs to piss. This is nearly always true. But better since the surgery. At least I can sneeze without crossing my legs. TMI?
Mary needs to schedule appearances in better venues. I'm thinking it's time to step out of the shadows (tie-in - get it?) and start making appearances that really count, like on the payroll of Fabulously Wealthy Writers, Inc.
Mary needs sleep. At no time will this be more evident than at about 2:00 p.m. every damn day of the school year.
Mary needs numbers. Is this a paean to my blogwhore-itude? Or does this meme know I am a math freak? I get to interview Chris at CSquaredPlus3 for Citizen of the Month's Great Interview Experiment. My first thought on visiting her site was ecstasy over the math reference. I have to go play with my Star Wars action figures now.
Mary needs a bit of independence. This one is a little like taking coals to Newcastle, a place that must be overrun with coal by now. I tend to be so independent that I will search a target store for HOURS rather than ask an employee where the thingamajigs are located. Husband can get very irritated with my independence. I sometimes forget all that 'helpmate' stuff and struggle along without asking for help because, I don't know, I'm just stoopid about those things.
Mary needs help with open bite wound. Because I'm thinking something I write will one day come back to bite me in the ass.