Just getting ready to write a new post, and I notice I've been tagged for a meme by Mr. Farty of Better Oot Than In, thus saving me the trouble of deciding whether I should write about Brain Gym, Robert Schuller, or finally put up that Ninja post.
So here are seven-ish random things about me (with a decidedly Mr. Farty leaning).
1. As Scottish as I am, with a family history that traces back to the Maitland clan in 17th century Scotland, I am still insanely jealous that Husband's cousin, uncle, grandfather, and great-grandfather were all named William Wallace Knight. Damn. Can't top that.
2. There's a line in one of my favorite films, Local Hero, "French, German, Dutch, Polish, Greek, Russian, Japanese. I have a facility with languages." I don't. But I do have a tremendous facility with regional accents. I can do a nice subtle Georgia as well as I can do a nice thick Yorkshire. And I can recognize pretty closely what part of England people are from by the way they speak. An odd and useless talent for an American.
3. I can read French pretty well, but can barely speak it, even though I was told by our French Girl that I had a very good accent. There's that accent thing again.
4. When I wrote that stuff on Captain Dumbass' blog about wanting to be Canadian? I was serious.
5. It sure doesn't sound like I love my hometown, but I really do. Husband and I have considered where to land in our retirement days, and are seriously considering eastern Tennessee, but I think I'll find it hard to leave Motown. Unless I make the decision some February. Then I'm freakin' out of here.
6. I didn't mind turning forty, though forty-one freaked me out a little. Because then I was "in my forties." I don't know that I can explain the distinction, but it seemed a big deal at the time. However,the thought that 19-year-old-Girl will enter her twenties next year? Is seriously getting on my ass. Already. And it's eleven months and three weeks away.
7. Part of me is bubbling with glee at the idea of tagging LiteralDan with this because the number of items (more than five, less than ten) just kills him. But I won't. Hopefully the mercy I show at this time will be visited upon me sometime later. Is there such a thing as meme Karma?
I'm gonna tag TennLady, gathering.dust, and Partly Cloudy, all of whom I am related, which is SO cheating, but I don't even care.