19-year-old-Girl was at the office/table Sunday morning working on a homework assignment for Humanities class. They needed to read a Neil Simon play and draw one of the settings, including all the necessary props included in the scene.
She chose to read The Odd Couple, mostly because Husband already owned a copy of the script, but it's a treat, nonetheless.
"Why does everybody love Walter Matthau?" she wanted to know, so we talked about him for a bit.
"Oh, crap! I forgot the bookcase!" was another little issue to be solved.
"A kitty box? Where am I going to put that? What does a kitty box look like?" she asked, and I described a small tray containing a gravel-like substance for a cat's toilet. "Oh, wait, do they mean a littler box? Or, like, a cat-carrier box?" I asked, for clarification, because I didn't remember a cat in the story.
"Let me find the part in the play," she said, then read the stage direction, "Takes the kitty box from the bookcase, puts it on the table, and puts the money in".
Um. Yeah. Okay, that's different.