Yeah, right, like I'm gonna come up with a list of three hundred sixty-five things. I cheated on my 100th post, I'm certainly going to wimp out now on my Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary to me! So here's my cheat:
3 Difficult Things About Having a Blog
1. Nobody reads on the damn weekend.
2. The occasional lack of inspiration (rare, though).
3. Having to schedule blogging around full time employment.
6 Awesome Things About Having a Blog
1. All the awesome, amazing people I have met online, and even some in person.
2. A wonderful creative outlet.
3. An even better outlet for b*tching!
4. All the Tea and Sympathy you can get when you have a bad day.
5. Tears of joy, laughter, and sorrow.
6. The fact that six is way too few to list the things I love about blogging.
5 Things I Never Expected That Resulted From Having a Blog
1. That my heart could be so broken from others' losses.
2. That my heart could soar so easily from others' good news (Yay! X-Box!)
3. That Husband Styro would start his own blog to share.
4. That I would want to travel to places like Vancouver, Utah, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida, Houston, and
a dozen other places, just to meet people. I don't even like people. Ask my husband!
5. That I would discover an idea for a book I want to write.
For my Blogoversary gift, I am registered at Tiffany's. Every girl loves a little blue box. Wait, that sounds wrong. Blue package? No that's not right, either. Blue bag? Oh, dear. Just leave me a comment!