I can't show you a picture of my cookware. Much like vampires and mythical hobbits, it no longer resolves on film. Or digital. Whatever. The point is, I'd be embarrassed to show you my cookware, even if I could. It's old and cruddy, and I am probably risking food-borne illness just writing about it.
Here's what I CAN show you:
That's right! It's a giveaway! CSN Futons (of course it's a futon company) has given Margaret a set of Rachel Ray cookware to give away on her blog, Nanny Goats in Panties. Extra entries are awarded for twittering about the contest, blogging about it, or for presenting Margaret with a miniature banner replica (that last one is worth 20 entries all by itself, I'm sure).
SO, in spite of the fact that there's a real chance that you could win instead of me, I am encouraging you to go there and enter. Just so you know, though, Margaret still loves me best.
ed. What kind of loser does this post without linking to Margaret's site? Mr. Freud, your slip is showing.
ed. again! After you enter the contest, come back here and see my shameful new post on PNN.com