This week for Travel Tip Thursday, I'd like to offer something fun that is appropriate for almost any travel.
One of the reasons this blog started was because Husband Styro and I had lit out on a trip to Georgia by car. When it comes to long car trips, no toddler has anything on me. If I'm not snacking, I'm snoozing. This is hard on the spouse, who does most of the driving, because the ride becomes even more boring and he starts to get sleepy, too.
So, I resolved, on the aforementioned trip, that I would make conversation all the way to Georgia and back. Since there is always a monologue going on inside my head, I decided the easiest thing to do would be to share it. Out loud. We'd been together over twenty years, at the time, so I wasn't too concerned about scaring Husband away. Well, maybe a little.
It was interesting, to say the least. I was certainly entertained. At one point, in either southern Kentucky or northern Tennessee, I amused myself so much that I didn't stop laughing for a very long time.
This past weekend, Husband and I made a much shorter ride to and from northeastern Michigan. I had a plan for the way home, that turned out to be kind of fun, so I thought I would share for your next long trip.
Organizationally, I chose the alphabet, then came up with a set of simple questions to go with.
A: What animal would you choose to be?
B: What will be the title of your first book?
C: If you could drive any car for one day, what would it be?
D: Describe a memorable dinner.
E: What do you consider yourself an expert at?
F: Who is your favorite funny person
G & H: You have been reliably told your hotel room is haunted by a ghost. What will you do, and why?
I: Innie or outie?
L: If you could recover one item or possession that you have lost what would it be?
M: You have 30 days to spend one million dollars (no charities allowed). What do you buy?
P: What sports pro would you like to see play his/her game in person?
Q: If you could meet a famous person from history, what question would you ask?
S: What superhero power would you have?
T: What is your favorite time of day, and why?
J, K, N, O, R, U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are up for grabs. Suggestions? Answers? Comment!