I've been in this club for awhile now. It's free to join, but I'm not so sure now that it was such a great idea. It's a little bit sexist, in that men are not allowed to enroll, only women. Normally, I am all in favor of a club intended solely for my sisters, but in this instance, I feel it would only be fair to share with the boys.
I'd like to invite all my male friends, readers, and my beloved spouse, Husband Styro, to join the Mid-Life, Mood Swing, Night Sweat, Hot Flash, Menopause Club. The MLMSNSHFMC, for short(er).
I have to admit that I am cheating a bit on the requirements. I use a soy, black-cohosh supplement that helps reduce the night sweats and the mood swings (doesn't it, honey?), but I make up for it by doubling the number and duration of hot flashes I experience.
Today, I was volunteering for a couple hours at the neighborhood elementary school. I was taking groups of students into the hallway one at a time, and helping them trace and cut out a life-size paper figure of a fifth grade student. As I walked back into the room after finishing with the last group, I suddenly sprouted (there's just no other word) a sheen of persperation on my face, scalp, and neck, and it began to run down my collar. I don't know if I was glowing, but it certainly felt like it.
For the last several days, the temperature in the house has been well below the usual 69-70 degrees. I finally took pity on the children at 63 degrees and closed the windows. My poor daughter was so cold, I turned the heat on for her to bring it up to 67.
It's just a good thing Connie Chung has a fur coat.