I take back every single nice thing I had to say about MSNBC's Olympics streaming. Their video feed cut out for the last two rocks in the 11TH END of the women's gold medal curling round! I can't freaking believe I missed it.
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I take back every single nice thing I had to say about MSNBC's Olympics streaming. Their video feed cut out for the last two rocks in the 11TH END of the women's gold medal curling round! I can't freaking believe I missed it.
Posted at 09:25 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 05:13 AM in General Meanderings, Memes | Permalink | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)
You have no idea how difficult it was for me to write a guest post for Captain Dumbass and actually say relatively nice things. It's not that there aren't many wonderful things about the Cap'n. It's just that I am a smart ass primarily a humor blogger, and since we are buddies, it kind of screamed out for me to tuck in a few zingers. But I didn't. Mostly.
If you haven't met the Captain before, you are in for a real treat. He and his lovely wife, Supreme Leader are expecting a third little boy come summertime to go with the two little devils hellions adorable kids they already have, Connor and Liam. Check out his truly amazing ink while you are there.
Anyway, go over there, and read my post.Come back tomorrow for more smart-assery
Posted at 03:45 AM in General Meanderings, Guest Post, This Blogger Rocks | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)
This morning I had the eight o'clock appointment at the pain clinic, which is wonderful. It means they haven't yet gotten behind-hand and I won't be there for several hours. Not that I mind the several hours, it's always worth the wait. The amazing Dr. R and staff are really there when they are with you. And all of these cases are complex, so, yes, it's going to take time.
Anyway, not only did I have the first appointment, my pain level lately has been a ZERO on the scale of 1-10. The last three weeks have been like heaven. That means today's visit was a quick review, and renewal of meds, and see you in a month! Yay, me.
On the way home, at about 8:45, I turned on to our street to see an 80-year-old neighbor (well, 79. She's says she's scratching at 80, but it's not yet scratching back) shoveling her driveway. We had eight inches of snow on Monday and little dribs and drabs ever since, and she was afraid we were going to have more accumulation, and she wouldn't be able to get her car out.
I knew she wouldn't hand over the shovel, so I drove the rest of the way home, got my shovel, and walked back to help. She scolded herself, "Look at me standing here like a supervisor!" So, I said, "Nonsense! You shouldn't be doing this at all"If it snows heavy again, I'll take 18-year-old-boy down there with me before she has a chance to get out there again.
The best part is I felt like I was able to pay forward my good fortune already this morning! There are days when I feel like the whole world is my brother. And of course, there are days when I want my brother to get the hell out of my room and leave me alone. Today? So far, so good.
Posted at 10:12 AM in General Meanderings, Modern Medicine | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)
Yesterday was beautiful. The last three days were beautiful, actually. Gorgeous, sunny, not terribly cold. I even sat out in the sun for one day, just to see what sunlight feels like again. Look at that sky. Look at that icicle! We grow 'em big around here.
Yesterday, I was feeling energetic, so I got out the carpet steam-cleaner, and cleaned the living room carpet, laid down paper on the traffic paths, scrubbed the kitchen floor, and washed all the throw rugs. All this managed to suck the energy clean out of me, but at least I felt productive.
Today? Is a snow day. So, I'm not going anywhere. Neither of the kids has to go to work, which is good. I feel like I should have gotten out for a bit yesterday, while I could.
Oh, well. I have Jasper, and MSNBC.com's Olympics, a warm house, and all the tea I can drink. Too bad it's not Christmas, it sure looks like it outside.
Lucky for you, I have things for YOU to do while I am snowed in, as well. First up: I am way overdue in telling you about the new, improved format at Room 704, where I hold the title, Supreme Mugwump Queen of the Blogosphere Oldest Person in the Room Staff Writer. This month, Room 704 switched to a monthly magazine format with a different theme for every month. February's theme is "Celebration" and you can find my piece, Beers, Bewbs, and Talking Frogs by clicking on the blue letters.Next up: The Zombie News Network. We have a guest writer up right now, with a story in two parts, it's Amy from Subject to Change. Seems she was inspired by a piece the Captain wrote, and put this little (pt.1) (frightening!) beauty together (pt.2).
And finally, a little later this morning, you'll be able to see something I wrote for Mrs. G of the Women's Colony. Men are invited, too. Gary, (the fARTIST) is probably feeling a little lonely as our only regular male commenter, so join in! Tip for guys: You may wish to avoid the Cabana. Unless you are gay, in which case, we may need to chase you away from the Cabana.
Posted at 10:36 AM in General Meanderings, Room 704, WTF?, ZNN | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)