I like fruit. Almost all kinds of fruit. I like fruit better than I like candy, how awesome is that?
One of my favorite ways to eat fruit is to freeze some grapes. They turn into grape-sicles, which are tremendously popular here among the hot-flashing set. They are also good to eat when you have sore, scratchy ears and throat that you feel are the likely prelude to a week of feeling like utter crap. So I had some frozen grapes last night before bed.
This morning, when I was loading the dishwasher, I noticed there were little icons on the bottom of the Glad container I had the grapes in.
Do you KNOW how hard it is to get a clear picture of icons that are embossed on the surface of number 5 plastic? Fourteen pictures and two people hard, that's how hard!
Anyway, if you tilt your computer screen just right, you will see the four icons. The first one, on the left, is obviously, proclaiming that this container can be used in the microwave. Don't kid yourself. Petro-chemicals and microwaves are never a good mix. The second icon took me a little while. It shows a cylindrical container and a fork in what appears to be rain. I'm pretty sure it means "dishwasher-safe." On to number three, a snowflake, I assume means it can go in the freezer. Number four?
Or is it number four this way?
Let's just say number four is giving me some trouble. I see a pitchfork next to an old TV with a set of rabbit ear antennae. Yes, I am using the scientific plural. "Back off, man. I'm a scientist."
What do you think it means?