Hubs and I have been overwhelmed lately by examples of truly amazing customer service. I firmly believe that credit should be given in these instances, as people really only seem to remember the bad stuff.
I went to the CVS website not too long ago, to extol the virtues of the pharmacy techs at our local store. They really have gone above and beyond for us, and I wanted to make sure someone at corporate knew about it. I received a lovely e-mail in return thanking me for the good feedback, and assuring me that the word would be passed along.
Hubs has been contemplating a move to a widescreen TV for a very long time. Really, when we purchased our current set, more than ten years ago, he wanted one then, but the price back then was prohibitive.
Having received a bonus this year for some of his own outstanding customer service at work, he decided it was time to make the leap. He had very specific desires and specs, and we spent a good portion of the time in the hospital waiting room, looking at dozens of sets and websites, including Amazon. There was a set listed that he thought was one of his top choices, and it was made by LG, a company whose products we have very much liked in the past.
"Mary? Can you come here for a minute?" He was downstairs, doing a little more searching before committing, and there it was, the set he had pretty much settled on, only $400 less than any other deal we had seen.
"Wow. Somebody must be going out of business. I think you better buy that set, and quick!" So he completed the transaction, including the manufacturer's extended warranty, and a blu-ray player to go with. All for less than what he was going to spend on the original set.
The next morning, I came out to the breakfast table ("breakfast table, I have something to tell you"...sorry, back to the story) to find an e-mail that hubs had printed out to share with me from Larry at One Call. The price we had ordered at had been a typo, but because it was their mistake, they were going to honor the deal. Even though Larry, a VP of the company, could not have purchased the TV at the price we got. He hoped we would shop with them in the future.
Now, One Call could very easily have canceled the order, and that price would have never been seen again. But they didn't. THAT is the kind of customer service that keeps you coming back to a company. Again and again. And I hope you will follow that link to their site. They seem to have accumulated accolades for their outstanding level of service and knowledge. That's Hall of Fame material, right there.
Next on the list is Mike. On our trip to Dayton for FIL's surgery recently, we ended up heading home about six hours later than we had originally planned. No big deal, but it meant Hubs was ready to stop for something to eat. One thing that southern Ohio has that Michigan hasn't is Skyline Chili. When Hubs worked for the Infernal Revenue Service years ago, he spent a lot of time at the regional center in Cincinnati, and became a fan of Cincinnati Chili.
So, when the sign for Skyline Chili popped up near Troy, Ohio (just off I-75, on Main Street, about 25 minutes north of Dayton), Hubs announced that this option would be perfect. It's just west of the freeway, in a shopping center with a Wal-Mart. In we went.
This immediately caught my eye:
The picture doesn't do those blue chairs justice. Sparkly! And the deepest, most gorgeous cobalt blue. I love that blue, and I love those chairs. Then I hear, "What are you taking pictures of?"
It came from the guy in the green hat (it was St. Paddy's Day, I don't think he normally dresses that way).
That's Mike. Mike Fariello, the guy who runs the joint. He came over to chat with us while we ate. If Mike sounds a little like Joisey, it's because he's absorbed all the Sopranos episodes. "You like those chairs?"
"Love 'em! I want some for my house!" I gushed, wondering how many thrift stores I would have to hit before I found anything that awesome.
Guess what? He hooked me up! Four beautiful blue chairs at a price I am not disclosing because I don't want the world begging Mike for chairs, but suffice it to say that it rivals any thrift shop price I have ever seen. Hubs and I will pick them up when next we head down to Dayton, which should be soon. Now I just need to get one of these to go with...
If you are in the Dayton area, make the trip. Tell Mike I sent you.