This Random Thoughts Tuesday is going to be exactly that. Whatever the hell pops into my head for thirty minutes this morning. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Time to take off the sweatshirt. It's a dance every morning, as I am cold when I get up, the over-warm after awhile from the coffee, oatmeal, and meds.
There are days when I am blogging that I feel actual love and support for all the bloggers out there, and empathy and compassion, and I want to climb right through the wires and make everything okay, and hug, and pass out money. This is a totally alien feeling for me. I can guarantee you that Hubs is stunned right now reading about it. No idea of the cause. Maybe people are supposed to be like that, and I've just discovered it?
Fortunately, that feeling passes. Heh. Actually, I'd like it to last. Shit. Hubs has been wondering (as have I) if I need to go back to that counselor again. I'd rather spend the money on pedicures! *snicker* The Grinch is back.
Speaking of pedicures, NOTHING makes me feel as sexy as a new pedicure. Got one yesterday, felt sexy all day. Thanks to the OPI website, I can share the color without showing my feet to all of the fo.ot out there:
If there's no picture there, it's because I forgot to go back at the end and insert it. I'll catch it eventually.
This is what the temps look like for the rest of the week. I am insanely excited!
One of the best things about not working for a school system anymore is that I can now travel off-peak. Have I said that before? I am becoming one of those old people who tell the same stories over and over again. With my dad, it was Wayne Newton. If the name came up, you were guaranteed that my dad would say, "You know, he puts on a hell of a show in Vegas." I filed it in for him one time, when he was a little slow out of the gate. I got the stink-eye in return.
20-year-old-Girl and her fiancee, Lovely Young Man, are in the market for their first home. What a time to be shopping for a home! They are going to see the one right across the street that is in foreclosure, although there are already two cash offers on it. The people who had to leave took the furnace with them, and banks won't finance a house without a furnace.
How's my posture? I am trying very hard to remember to sit up straight and stand up straight. I know it's better for me, and it makes me look much better, but old habits are terribly difficult to break. I can actually turn into the letter C if I stop thinking about it, curled into a hunched over position. Bad bad bad. If there were such a thing as a posture brace, I'd wear it for a month just to...never mind. This is getting weird.
I guess there's a reason people edit themselves, eh?
I cooked dinner last night. Actually, I did all the prep work in the afternoon, so all I had to do was toss it in the oven for half an hour. This is another one of those "regular people have been doing this for years, and I'm just figuring it out" moments. I should probably be passing this on to my kids, but, screw it. They're on their own. Have you any idea how liberating that is?
I have another training session this Saturday, from 2-6, I think. It's not that I am forgetful (in this instance, I certainly am forgetful other times), it's just that I offered to be flexible, in case other people needed the morning session.
You know how they say you should drink 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water every day? I actually do that. So you'd think my hands wouldn't be all puffy and sore all the time. WTF, hands? Off to inquire of Dr. Google, I guess.
Does anyone else check their e-mail as compulsively as I do? I like to leave Office open, so I can get the little dings! which has taken the place of AOLs "You've Got Mail!" Ding! would have been a stupid movie title, though.
Time to post! And link to Keely! Have a good Tuesday! Use lots of exclamation points!