My Google Reader list never gets any smaller. Have you noticed that with yours? I can't figure out what's going on.
I am a creature of habit, and blog visits are just as regimented as my morning breakfast habits (A lot. Take my word for it.) I can't start reading posts until I have breakfast and coffee at the ready, and the order in which I read has its own set of rules.
First, I must make a full scroll through the list to see what's there. Family bloggers get the first read, by which I mean, 'people to whom I am related." That ranges from five to six different blogs.
Next in line, are the bloggers I have been reading the longest time, followed by the latest ones with which I have become enamored.
Last in line, because you save the best for last, right? Is the Women's Colony. Bud has raised an eyebrow on occasion at my eating habits. He is a big believer in working his way around the plate, one bite of each food item on the plate, size of bite determined by the relative size of each serving. Not so for me. I eat the item I like least, first. Then the middling stuff, saving the favorite on the plate for last. (This is a habit I have worked to break, having come around to Bud's way of thinking.) So it's no surprise that my blog-reading follows the same pattern.
The other thing that must be accomplished before I allow myself the treat of reading the WC, is that I need to make sure the day's post is up, if I have one for that day. Today, I have one.
And now it's up.