I have been puzzling and puzzling over my Style Statement for Wende's Wardrobe Therapy. Try as I might, nothing comes out coherently, so I am going to try an alphabetical exercise to see what emerges.
My style is:
Adult -as in grown-up, not adult-content, viewer discretion advised.
Blue jeans - they are a real staple for me in everyday life.
Comfortable - very high priority, as in I won't even buy incredible bargains, if they are uncomfortable.
Designer-influenced - this is a new one for me, but I am starting to realize that there are a few I love.
Everyday - as in casual. I am trying to lean away from this more often.
Fitted - I spent years wearing tents. And I must admit, I was hiding. I look so much better with a good fit.
Grounded - as "in reality". I would love to be able to wear all those cute heels, but I have wide feet and a bad back, so, no.
Happy - Never been a goth girl. Love me some colors.
Intellectual - is this applicable to style? Probably bad to overthink, but I love to be known as "the smart girl"!
Jazzy - I am learning to "jazz-up" my plain stuff with sparkly, fun accessories.
Kan I just use the letter "K" to say how irritating I find the term "kicky"?
Lovely - I want to be lovely in the most sophisticated, graceful sense. My friend Laura embodies this. I really need to take her thrifting with me.
Money-conscious - I have learned that it is better to spend an extra $40 on a pair of dress pants if I want great fit and construction. I have also learned that I can find those pieces for pennies on the dollar if I am willing to spend time thrifting for it!
Nancy-boy - I have no idea how the term applies to me, it just cracks.me.up.every.time.
Pretty - another over-used term, but there are days when I struggle to feel pretty, and hair, make-up and clothes are things I have control over.
Quixotic - I don't live in New York, but you might see me wearing a subway map on my arm. I love the occasional weird piece.
Reprehensible - Not really. Just wanted to see if anyone is still reading...
Sexy - not in the revealing sense. Any woman out there knows that when you feel good about yourself and the way you look, it can be a tremendous aphrodisiac.
trendy - notice that I spelled it with a small "t", because really, what I mean is...
Up-To-Date - retro is only okay if it looks like you did it on purpose.
VTF was I thinking doing this with a 26-letter alphabet?
What's wrong with just the vowels?
X-actly what am I supposed to do with THIS letter?
Young -er than I am. (back to the task) Poppy says it's okay to find a style to emulate on someone ten years younger than I am. Except that, presumably, they have done the same thing, right? It's possible I could end up dressing like the Olsen twins...when they were on Full House.
Later this week, I will jump into week four, for which you can see Wende's steps below, C through H. You can blame her for the whole alphabet fiasco.
- Consider.
- Dump.
- Evaluate.
- Fantasize.
- Google (or Go Shopping for fashion magazines).
- Hunt and habit-form.