I haven't done a Spin in awhile, and I thought the topic of stress was right up my alley. Jen at Sprite's Keeper is out hostess...
Click the button for more Spin Cycles.
So, yeah, stress. It's there. I live with it, daily, but I am getting good at it. I traded in the stress of teaching for the stress of worrying about the household budget minus my teaching salary. Turns out that was a good deal. The last year I was in the classroom, the stress started to make me ugly. Not physically, you know, I'm still just as cute as a button, just emotionally. It began to make me impatient with the children, which I had never been before.
Stress made me VERY cranky in meetings, which was a step beyond just dealing with all the garbage that meetings include. I have never been very good at doing things by committee, and everything in a school district is done by committee.
The initial cause of my back pain issues was physical, but stress exacerbated the pain to a surprising degree.
So this won't be a total downer of a post, let's talk stress relief...
A good cup of coffee
Blogging and commenting!
Crossword puzzles and 12 X 12 sudokus
Bookstore trips with the girls
Stand up comedy
Going to the movies
Digging up dandelions from the lawn
Sunshine and warm weather
Listening to Jim Dale read Harry Potter stories
Going for walks with Ellie
Going for walks around the neighborhood with my Buddy .