I used to work with a ghost hunter. Really. She and her husband had a ghost-hunting business, where they took people on tours of haunted places, and tried to get photographic evidence. They also do wedding photography. That's the kind of people I'd want shooting my wedding.
Today, my much older sister has posted a link on her genealogy blog, Gene Notes, about the tour of Historic Haunted Fort Wayne (the actual fort in Detroit, not the city in Indiana). There's one scheduled for Devil's Night (that's what we call October 30th, the night before Halloween. What do they call it where you live?), that I think I need to see.
I am headed back to work today, for a short day, that will start with clean-up of the workshop sites. I am interested to see what the job is like when I do not have a big event imminent. I already have tasks planned, it's just that the pace will be frenetic to a slightly lesser degree.
The short day is helpful because we picked up 18-year-old-boy's new (to him) car Sunday night. It's very pretty, and he already has plans to update the stereo in it.
What have I been reading lately, I hear you ask. I finished Fordlandia last week, and what a treat that was. It's the history of Henry Ford's failed attempt to impose midwestern sensibilities on the Amazon rainforest. Seriously. Intertwined, is the basic history of Ford Motor Company and Henry Ford himself.
After I finished that, I picked up Manhunt, the story of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and the 12-day hunt for his killer. Did you know that the conspirators also planned to kill the vice president, and the secretary of state on the same night? Andrew Johnson slept safely, as his would-be killer couldn't work up the nerve, but Secretary of State William Seward was brutally knifed, though he was not killed. My favorite Sarah Vowell book, Assassination Vacation, uses this book as a resource, so I knew it would be good.
That's all for now...go see Keely at the link above, and check out more Random Tuesday posts!