From:Unmitigated Me
Sent: Wednesady, October 20, 2010 11:30 AM
To: Gov't Gal
Subject: Ho Boy
I am totally blaming this on menopause. I don’t know which event I learned about first, but somehow, NEITHER of them made it into my trusty planner until Monday. I know we are supposed to do Border’s on Friday night. Is there any possibility we could move it to Sunday anytime? Buddy’s boss’s boss invited us to an event and I told him, oh, sure, we are available, so the tickets are bought and I am a butthead, and oh, look! Another freaking HOT FLASH FROM HELL!
So, A) Can you forgive me, and B) Can we reschedule, and if you wish to dump my carcass by the side of the road and go without me, I will understand *sniff*, and C) is the HEAT ON IN HERE???
You see what my friends have to put up with? Plus the fact that I am so amused with myself that I turned an email into a post.
"...she was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an "L" on her forehead..."