K - E - E...EEK! It must be Tuesday! ...L - Y...Why? Because we like her! Ran-dom Tues-Day Thoughts!
(warbled to the tune of the Mickey Mouse Club theme song)
- Today, I will center-justify my thoughts.
- But Typepad will ignore this request apparently.
- I am taking a day off today, as a comp day for having worked both Saturday and Sunday.
- And thank goodness, too, because Buddy is ordering new glasses, and can't be trusted to pick out his own frames. Usually he wears contacts, anyway, but when the techs help him pick frames, they are uber-dull.
- Mrs. G is working on a project and asked for this:
- Thank the FSM for cosmetics! She didn't ask for this one, but I'm afraid to leave just that first one up all by itself. People with think this blog is run by a crazy woman.
- Shut up.
- The problem with using bullets is that they get all wonky, and start showing up in random places and in strange formats. Why did this one show up as an outline?
- Apparently, that's how they are all going to be. I'm not going to try to fix them.
- I'll just get frustrated. Also, this is a test of whether my anally retentive self can withstand provocation. Extreme provocation. Okay, not as bad crooked artwork on a wall, but still.
- Yesterday, at work, I had a very important meeting from 10 am to noon.
- It was a live web conference.
- On how to write for a blog.
- Heh.
- I already get paid to use Facebook.
- Happiness is being at a Social Media Team meeting, and hearing someone else bust out with "I like turtles."
- Get your random on this morning, then link up with Keely!