My sister writes an awesome genealogy blog. Every time there is a street address listed for an ancestor of our, no matter how distant, I find it impossible to stop myself from checking out Google Maps to see what that place looks like now. Obituaries and crime notices always seemed to include the address of the victim or decedant. I wonder why?
What evil lurks in the hearts of bloggers? The UnMom knows...
Does anyone else refer to Activia yogurt as 'poop yogurt?" Somehow, I don't think the marketing people at Dannon will catch on to this promotional angle.
If I eat Activia yogurt AND a banana at the same meal, will my bowels go into stasis? More likely it will be like the meeting of matter and anti-matter...
Speaking of explosions...did you know that some people produce methane in their bowels and some do not? I believe I am in the lucky methane-producer group, not so lucky for the Bud, though. Heh.
My sister-in-law, the one who will be hosting us this week, has a sense of humor every bit as juvenile as mine. It's like low-brow heaven.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 was every bit as awesome as I hoped it would be. My son, who has never read the books, and doesn't know the second half of the story, was very excited before we saw the film because he thought he was finally going to find out "what was up with Snape." Sorry, dude, not 'til July. I don't know how he can stand the suspense.
I'd love to be random for several more paragraphs, but if I don't get moving soon, we'll never get on the road! Time to move it along, then. Keely has more randomness. Write your own and link up!