1. My boss is out of town for most of this week, making this a very productive period for me! No interruptions.
2. Seeing trees fully leafed-out every morning makes me a little happier.
3. The endocrinologist was a huge waste of time and money.
4. I am determined to keep going until I get help from SOMEwhere. It has to be there. It HAS to.
5. I don't mind rain so much when it's also 70 degrees outside.
6. Actually, I kind of like a summer rainstorm. We had high winds with a cloudburst the other day, and a line went down somewhere nearby. We were without power for about six hours. It was restored right when DTE said it would be, though, and the next day, they called back to make sure everything was okay. Wow.
7. At our annual All-Staff Conference, everybody got a pedometer. I've been wearing it at work, and trying to make sure my work-related walking is at least 5,000 steps per day. When the parking lot is crowded, I can get in 1,200 steps just walking to and from my car!
8. I keep thinking about the Couch to 5K program, but I just can't get myself to move after work.
9. See number 4.
10. I could stop on this number just to make all you OCD types happy.
11. But I'm a little bit cruel.
Ed.: The Village Store offered all employees a little sample of their new fudges, made right in the store!
Top to bottom: Maple Pecan, Vanilla (with Jimmies), and Milk Chocolate
We spent a few minutes afterward, browsing the store, and one of co-workers actually said, "Don't let Mary get to the book section or we'll never get out of here!"