Last week I deliberately TRIED to lose. I even picked Detroit. I still ended up 10-3 for the week. Either I have horrendous Karma issues, or I don't have a clue what I'm doing. I'm gonna go with the Karma thing. Anyway, here are my picks for the week, with Thursday's game listed first. Since I want this to be my post for NaBlowMeMo as well, I will explain the convoluted reasoning behind each pick, thus confirming that I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.
New York Jets - The Pats have let me down for the last time. I believe their reign is over. Yes, I know they lost the Superbowl last season, but only by an eyelash.
Carolina - Is there really a team in Carolina? Which Carolina? Do they rotate?
Atlanta - My brother lives near Atlanta. And he used to have season tickets to the Lions, back when they didn't...oh, wait. They sucked then, too.
Philadelphia - I really like the Bruce Springsteen song of this name. And the Tom Hanks movie.
Chicago - That's where LiteralDan lives. If I pick against Da Bears again, he won't read my blog anymore.
Houston - I just want to hear the announcer say, "Houston, we have a problem."
Kansas City - I'm goin' to Kansas City. Gonna bring my baby back home.
Miami - Their uniforms all feature pastel t-shirts and blazers with pushed up sleeves.
Baltimore - Great Randy Newman song.
Tampa Bay - I have been to Tampa Bay. I have been to Minnesota. In November? Tampa Bay wins.
San Francisco - My favorite Eddie Izzard show was recorded in San Francisco.
Arizona - Nobody ever lost money betting against the Seahawks.
Jacksonville - SOMEBODY'S got to snap that Titan winning streak.
Pittsburgh - Pennsylvania had to put up with ALOT more campaign ads than most of us. They deserve two victories.
Washington - I listen to Bob & Tom in the morning, and Chick McGhee is a big Redskins fan.
Buffalo - The Browns are right up there with Detroit and Seattle.
I should end up 8-8 as these are about the same as random picks. We shall see.
Updated: Oh, yeah, thanks, Amy! I forgot the tie breaker: 31