Everyone say "Cheers!" to Kat!
Dear Twitter,
Really? What in the world could I have done or tweeted to make you think I'd want to follow Betty Crocker? Or did you mean Betty Draper? Hell, Betty Boop would have been more likely.
unmitigated me
Dear Colon:
I keep fairly regular hours. Would appreciate if you would do the same. When Elizabeth I said "Once a month, whether I need it or not" she was referring to the baths, not visits to the garderobe.
Step it up a bit, would you-
unmitigated me
Dear Hot Flashes,
If I have done or said something to make you leave, please let me know what it was. I'd like to make sure you stay away for the rest of my natural life.
Cool and comfy-
unmitigated me
Last day to enter for the winning of the marvelous book! To clarify, Club Ed on Facebook is for educators (teachers, paraprofessionals, homeschoolers, etc). The book I am giving away is for anyone who cares to enter!
I'll even ship overseas...
unmitigated me
Ed: Although I am employed by The Henry Ford, this post, in no way, reflects the opinions of The Henry Ford.