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I have a thing about my hair. It's my favorite part of me. Right now, it looks nothing like my profile pic. Actually it looks like this:
...which is great if this 1972 and I am a teen hearthrob. For 2010, and 15 years from retirement? Not so much. Also, there should be about an inch of gray at David's roots, there, for it to be a little more accurate. And since mine is in a "grow out" stage, he actually has better layers than I do.
"Growing it out" is almost always my reaction after having short hair for a year or so. Maybe I should go with this:
He's so....pretty. Did people say that about Mick Jagger once upon a time? I can imagine Paul McCartney as a pretty boy, but not the bad boy Stones.
So I have scheduled the color for this afternoon, and the cut for Thursday afternoon. Getting in to see the stylist and the colorist (husband and wife, btw) on the same day means waiting much longer.
Feet: Next Monday, will be the pedicure,for which, oh be joyful! It's been too long.
Other body parts on the "like list":
I've heard you should pick five body parts that you love, and I was always able to do 3 pretty easily, hair, feet, and eyes. Leslie and Larry scolded me, and said, what about your beautiful skin? They had to convince me. I tend to see the flaws. Freckles and age spots and skin tags, everywhere! But they say I have lovely smooth, non-wrinkly skin, and nice hands, as well. So thank you very much to Leslie and Larry!
Not-so-likeable parts (but I'm working on it):
Just had another 'procedure on the right side of my back, which now feels wonderful because of the local anesthetic that they inject. In a few days, it will be icky for a little while, then much better. Of course, now the left side is acting up. If it's throbbing like this through the pain meds, I shudder to think what it would be like without! So, maybe the left side will be next.
Somebody else's body parts:
My son is afflicted with the same cystic acne his father had as a teenager. He finally asked to see a dermatologist about it. The day of the appointment, a cyst showed up over his left eye (just below the brow) that was bad enough that his eye could barely open. Now he has a new cleanser, and a couple other prescriptions, including an antibiotic to help control the bacteria. The doc offered to "take care" of that big one, and a couple smaller ones, which meant that he injected steroids directly into them. Yowser, but he took it like a man. And a day later, it was almost gone. Amazing. I'd have been happy to take him years ago, but I knew he wouldn't stick to the regimen if it wasn't his idea.
Now, he and two friends are discussing renting an apartment together after the first of the year. Don't know how I'll handle that. The girl was kind enough to move across the street, so mama bear gear didn't need to kick in. Holy crap. people, I could be an empty nester soon!