Usually the biggest impact a new year has on me, is the learning curve when it comes to writing the new date on checks.
Who writes checks anymore?
I am not one to get all maudlin about the passing of another year, so I am not going to write an end-of-the-year-wrap-up post, linking you to all the past glories of 2010, through which you will likely scroll and not follow the painstakingly added links.
There were a couple of notable events this year, in that I started a new job, which I still love doing, and that my daughter and her betrothed purchased a home that I can see right out my front window (thank you, sweetie, for making that transition a little less painful!). Other than that? 2010 was a relatively quiet year.
For which, Oh! be joyful. I am. I hope you are, too.
We will visit with friends tonight, and once again I will start wishing for midnight at a much more acceptable hour, like 10 p.m. I'll take a nap this afternoon, in preparation for the later-than-usual night.
Some things to look forward to this year....
1. I have purchased this...
My friend Leslie, of Leslie and Larry fame (see below: Frugal Decadence), started piano lessons as an adult, and it made me realize that I would love to have more musical skill. I can sight read for voice, and sing, but I'd like to formalize my knowledge of written music, and make a pretty sound, all at the same time. It's not a huge investment, the way a piano would be, and if I find I have any aptitude for this at all, I'll sign up for lessons, too. Hopefully, they won't make me participate in a recital. Ever.
2. I signed up for this a few months ago, and have two more weeks to play around with it before the (semi-)finished piece needs to be postmarked...
Before I send it in, I will ask Buddy to scan and save a copy of what I was able to accomplish, so I can continue to feel proud of it. Who knew I'd still be acquiring skills at this stage in my life?
3. At the end of March, we have this to look forward to...
That's Leslie and Larry there, along with Buddy enjoying what we call Frugal Decadence. I look forward to mastering this concept we invented even further.
4. I just ordered George Clooney to spend time in my pants. That is something to look forward to, no? Pamela calls them Colin Firths, but whatever. The accent is cute, but give me some smoky American eyes, anytime. I have two cloth holders for the ice packs I sometimes need on my lower back, but they aren't soft and fuzzy, and they don't smell pretty. I got a second one to give to Ms. Partly Cloudy for her perpetually cold hands and feet. I feel certain that Buddy will whine about my naming this guy George Clooney, to which I will reply, "Okay, how about Jodie Foster, then?"
Happy New Year, everyone. Leave me a comment letting me know one thing you are looking forward to in 2011. It's like a wishing well, it'll come true.