Welcome to the 2010 Holiday Homes Tour, hosted by the always lovely, Jen on the Edge.
Now, I realize that what you are about to see is not my home, per se, but I do spend lots of time here, and given the opportunity to move in, I might just do it. It's okay. There's wireless.
Since April of this year, I have been employed at The Henry Ford. We are a famous historical site in Dearborn, Michigan. The Henry Ford, which we like to call America's Greatest History Attraction, is actually five unique sites: Greenfield Village, the Henry Ford Museum, the Ford Rouge Factory Tour, the Benson Ford Research Center, and the IMAX Theater.
My workspace is in the Benson Ford Research Center, but the work of the education department encompasses all of the sites listed above. Today's photos were all taken inside the Henry Ford Museum. I was going to get tickets to Holiday Night in Greenfield Village, but the night we wanted was sold out (as are almost all of the nights!), so it's to the museum we will go.
Though it started life as the Edison Institute, after Henry Ford's friend and mentor, Thomas Edison, and wasn't supposed to be about Henry Ford at all, has come to epitomize Henry's legacy of American innovation. And though his ideas were sometimes strikingly new, Henry also had a real affinity for the past.
The face of Henry Ford Museum was designed as a replica of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, right down to it's architectural quirks.
Come on inside.
We have some pretty big ornaments.
This is a Picnik effect. I love how it glows.
Some things just LOOK like Christmas.
A sock monkey display at the Genius at Play store.
Christmas up-close.
Over at the Allegheny. This is the number one photo op in the museum, all gussied up with a wreath and a sunbeam.
And around the corner...
One of the trains on this setup has a camera mounted on it...
...so we see this a lot. Not done yet...
Last year at this time, the museum hosted a traveling LEGO exhibit. The Michigan LEGO Users' Group created this tableau and train setup.
This is a LEGO replica of the A Fisher Building in the New Center area of Detroit. Wonder what's playing at the Fisher Theatre?
Let's zoom in a bit, shall we?
Ah, yes. Arthur Milller's immortal Death of a Sales 'Fig, as in figurine, as in little LEGO guy.
Thanks for visiting, now head back to Jen's for some more holiday homes!
Ed: Although I am employed by The Henry Ford, this post, in now way, reflects the opinions of The Henry Ford.